1.1 These terms of service (“Terms of Service”) explain the general terms that govern the access and use of the different websites, products and services offered by Bridgewhat (“Bridgewhat”, “we”, “our”, “us”), as defined below, through https://bridgewhat.com/ and any of its subdomains and related sites (the “Platform”).

1.2. These Terms of Service are binding for any person accessing or using our Platform, as well as for any third-party on whose behalf a person is accessing or using our Platform (“User”, “you”,

1.3. By accessing or using our Platform, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these Terms of Service, and that you agree to be bound by them, as well as by our Cookies Policy
 and by our Privacy Policy.

1.4. If you are based in Spain, Bridgewhat shall mean the following company:
 – Company name: WhyStar Delta SP, SL
 – Company number (“NIF”): B01760776
 – Address: Calle del Camino Ancho 1, 28109, Alcobendas, Madrid (Spain)
 – Email address: bridgewhat@bridgewhat.com
 – Registry information: Registro Mercantil de Madrid, Tomo 40737, Folio 85, Sección X, Hoja Registral M-722819, Inscripción 1ª

1.5. If you are based in Portugal or in any country other than Spain, Bridgewhat shall mean the following company:
- Company name: WHYSTAR DELTA PT, LDA.
- Company number: 516 059 416
- Address: Rua Ernesto da Silva 52, 4B, 1500-169, Lisboa (Portugal)
- Email address: bridgewhat@bridgewhat.com

1.6. In case you and Bridgewhat have agreed to different terms on a separate document (such as a purchase order or an agreement for the provision of additional or specific advisory services),the terms of that separate agreement will prevail in the event of conflict with this Terms of Service.


2.1. The title headings of the sections of this Terms of Service are solely for the sake of convenience and shall bear no weight in the interpretation of this Terms of Service.

2.2. Where the context requires, words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender and vice versa.

2.3. The original version of these Terms of Service is drawn up in English, and the English version of this Terms of Service shall prevail in the event of any conflict with any version of these Terms of Service or portion thereof that has been translated into another language (including Spanish).


3.1. The Platform allows businesses and individuals acting in their professional capacity (e.g.,entrepreneurs) to interact with Bridgewhat and with each other with the final aim of accelerating their growth.

3.2. The Platform is created with the objective of improving and enhancing the qualification of its Users, as well as the information they have for the complete performance of growth projects in a transparent, more efficient and competitive profit-promoting way for companies. These principles shall guide the rendering of services to Users, as well as the Users relationships and interactions with Bridgewhat, other Users and/or other individuals or businesses who may collaborate in the fulfilment of the Platform’s purposes.

3.3. Please, note that:
a) The Platform is not and shall not be considered or used as a platform for pooling interests between companies, with the nature of a consortium, grouping, association, union, cartel or other aiming to align interests and commercial practices with the susceptible objective of distorting the rules of free market competition and jeopardizing the healthy operation of the market and the healthy exercise of the commercial activity of its Users.
 b) The Platform and all the products and services offered therein are intended only for companies and individuals (e.g., entrepreneurs) acting in their professional capacity (not for personal and private use).
 c) Bridgewhat’s activity is limited to the provision of the Platform and its related services. Therefore, Bridgewhat is alien to any deal, agreement or relationship that is built between the Platform Users.
 d) The Platform does not seek to limit the interactions between Users in the market. That means that Users are free to reach any agreement outside the Platform (even if said agreements contravene these Terms of Service) without limitation and with no liability for Bridgewhat whatsoever.

3.4. When using the Platform, you must comply with all applicable laws. In particular, you undertake to comply with all rules and regulations on competition. Among others, you must not carry out any action that has as its object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition (e.g., antitrust concerted practices, abuse of a dominant position, etc.).

3.5. Bridgewhat condemns any and all practices who seek to prevent, restrict or distort market competition. Although Bridgewhat is not obliged to undertake an ex-ante control of the activities performed by the Users through the Platform, in the event of becoming aware that any User is using the Platform to carry out anti-competitive practices, BridgeWhat will take any necessary action to prevent, avoid and correct said practices, including, by way of illustration, temporarily or permanently blocking the User’s access to the Platform or, where applicable, informing the competent authorities.


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Yearly / 2.100€
Monthly / 210€


With the Silver package, you can promote offers created on the platform through a few clicks/fields and autonomously, using the following sales tools:

  • Electronic trade fair (EXPO): publication of offers specifying the job to be done, unique selling proposition, and other attributes that help emphasize the strengths of the product/service.

  • Campaigns: “irresistible” offers, which are based on a scoring model that measures the competitiveness of the offer by classifying the business case, identifying the benefits of the campaign, and discounts that make it even more competitive. 

  • Protocols: special conditions (price, products…) for services and products to be used by Bridgewhat participants. 

  • Samplings: You can give a Bridgewhat participant a “free trial” of your services or products. Not only you are building brand awareness but also grasping feedback that helps you to improve your offer.

    I am looking for: If, after researching among sellers you still haven’t found the best offer to help your company accelerate its growth, ‘as a silver and up’ participant you can publish a specific need, and Bridgewhat makes its best effort to find you a suitable seller.